Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Blue Bot Hacking - by Harsroop & Zayn

Jasmeen Yzabelle and Harsroop are trying to control the boys’ blue bots without the boys even knowing.

On Tuesday 26th of June it was the open day where parents came to school to
join in the fun with their kids. In Room 34 we did binary coding in my group. We
hacked into the blue bots - it was hilarious. Next we wrote our names in binary
code - it made my head crazy! In binary code the letter H is 01001000. After
we played coding on the iPad we got to choose which map we wanted to code
with. It was an amazing day with our parents.

This year we learned coding games and about binary code.

1 comment:

  1. Harsroop and Zyan Ka pai for using binary codes and use more detail in to you work.
    Also try to use punctuation in your words. By Anvir & Balkaran.
