Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Children Being the Boss -by Nayleigh and Aleluia

This is a photo of Aleluia showing her mum how to code on the ipad and if you look at the back you can see Nayleigh photobombing them.

On Tuesday 26th June 2018, Room 34’s parents went to visit them for the
school open morning and learn to code with them. Well they were having fun,
sneaky little girls were hacking into other people’s bot. Well some boys were
doing some worksheets about binary letters. There were two maps the
treasure map and the alphabet map that they were playing with.

This year we have been learned were learning about binary codes and for
example when we say ‘a’ the computer says 01000001. Also so we learned
how to program robot with controls. We also learned about how to code on the

Blue Bot Hacking - by Harsroop & Zayn

Jasmeen Yzabelle and Harsroop are trying to control the boys’ blue bots without the boys even knowing.

On Tuesday 26th of June it was the open day where parents came to school to
join in the fun with their kids. In Room 34 we did binary coding in my group. We
hacked into the blue bots - it was hilarious. Next we wrote our names in binary
code - it made my head crazy! In binary code the letter H is 01001000. After
we played coding on the iPad we got to choose which map we wanted to code
with. It was an amazing day with our parents.

This year we learned coding games and about binary code.

Binary Blog -by Balkaran and Adi

Showing Adi’s mum how we code.

On Tuesday 26th of June Adi’s mum came to the open morning to see us do
the coding and to do it with us. We controlled the blue bot and bee bot but
people kept hacking into our bots with the remote programme on our class
iPads, so it was hard to do it properly. In the photo we were doing coding: you
can only go left, right, forward and backward on these bots.

This year we have learnt how to code bee and blue bots. We learnt how to
remotely control bots with the iPad, which is moving bee and blue bots with
only iPads, not by the buttons on the top of the bots.

Coding Challenges - by River & Bianca

Mishika and Namrata with Bianca and River with their visiting whanau.

On Tuesday the 26th of June 2018. Our parents came to visit Room 34 to
do some coding challenges with us. We used the blue bots and bee bots and a
map for coding. The blue bots had to get to the destination.
We also used the iPads to do some more coding with our parents.
We were challenging the parents on the blue bots and bee bots,
and we kids won the game! Then we thought of getting to the destination
in 10 moves - WOW! But... We FAILED! It looked so easy for me but nooo.

You might be wondering what our open morning is? Well it is where your
family comes in and works with their child, which in our class was doing
coding challenges with their child. It was only Bianca’s third week at this

Room 34 has been learning about coding this year, so we now know how to
code in many different ways. We also learnt how to code our names using
binary numbers.

Extraordinary Coding Challenge - by Vedam & Layton

Vedam’s group programming a blue-bot with an iPad and Layton working out binary code names with his mum.

On Tuesday the 26th June we had an open morning in Room 34 at Papatoetoe Central School. We did
a coding challenge to have a lot of learning fun with our parents. Many of our parents came,
including Vedam’s mum and Layton’s mum.

What’s happening in Vedam’s picture on the left?
In my picture we are coding a blue - bot . First we were doing it by hand, but when some girls started
annoying us by controlling the blue - bot with an iPad and then we told Miss Day that they kept on
annoying us. Then Miss Day said that we can have an iPad too. So we took an iPad and we controlled the blue - bot with an iPad too.

What Layton did in his group:
In my group we did binary code and wrote our name in binary code. After that we did coding with
blue and bee bots. We did all the challenges twice because we did all of them so fast. At 10:30
everyone left and then the open morning was over and we went out to eat.

CODING CHALLENGE - by Mishikaa and Daena

Daena programming the blue bots.

On Tuesday 26 of June our awesome parents visited Room 34 for our open
day special coding challenge. As you can see, Daena the coder is unlocking
some special coding quiz. During our open morning we learnt how to write
our name in binary numbers and we also learnt how to control the blue and
bee bots using an ipad.

Throughout the year we learnt what is coding and we learnt how to code bee
bots on a map with barriers.

Open Morning - by Anvir & Keanu

Keanu, Ronnie, Zayn, Uzair and Layton were coding our names.  

On Tuesday 26th June our parents came to the open day while we were doing coding.
During the open morning all the parents were doing some coding with their kids. We used
the blue bot and bee bot. We could press the button on the bots or use the iPad to control
the bots. When the parents came they were happy to see their kids learn. The children were
very happy that their parents came to the open day. Everyone worked really nicely together
and they had good ideas on coding. The parents were happy to see their kids having a
fabulous time with their friends.                                                                

We have learnt a lot about coding and it is really good if you don’t know about binary
numbers and coding.